
I am Native American/First Nations depending on which side of the 49th parallel your on. I am Cree/Ojibwa and a "status Indian" but I did not grow up on a reserve. Instead my mother married a Metis man and we moved from South Saskatchewan to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. My mother did not teach me how to cook and no recipes were pasted down to me by my grandmother. I learned how to handle a knife and cook in my late twenties when I enrolled in a one year culinary program.

I want to write about my childhood memories of living life with a hunter in the family. We were the "poor" Native neighbors but we lived simply, self-sufficiently and we ate well. I also want to write about my relationships to the land, people, and food. This blog will also explore our Native history with food and through food. 

I can also be found on Pinterest and Twitter

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